8 research outputs found

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    I denne artikel sætter jeg fokus på begrebet literacy-som-begivenhed, der afspejler en søgen efter teoretiske og analytiske tilgange, der gør det muligt at forstå literacy og læring på måder, der involverer affekt, kropslighed og uforudsigelighed ved at rette opmærksomhed mod de flygtige betydningsdannelsesprocesser, der bliver til i relationer mellem mennesker, ting og tekster (Burnett & Merchant, 2020). Det gør jeg ved at genbesøge en literacyaktivitet fra sjette klasse, hvor tre 12-13 årige børn er involveret i at læse og rekonstruere en tekst om mumier (Laursen, 2016, 2019; Laursen & Kolstrup, 2018). Følger man – i et literacy-som-begivenheds-perspektiv – den affektive intensitet og kropsligheden i denne literacyaktivitet, og herunder de tre børns latter og deres leg med sproget og tekstens univers, får man øje på, hvordan børnene får skabt et sprudlende karnevalistisk univers (Bakhtin, 1984) fuld af latter og læringspotentiale. Gennem deres samarbejde og deres intense indlevelse i teksten univers skaber de en dyb forståelse af teksten, som samtidig fyldes med personlig betydning, der handler om den individuelle krops skrøbelighed og menneskelige kroppes forbundethed. På den baggrund argumenterer jeg for at se på al literacyaktivitet også som affektive møder og empirisk interessere sig for, hvordan læringsrummet sker, og hvordan læsning af tekster bliver til på ofte uforudsigelige måder

    Den sproglige dimension i naturfagsundervisningen

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    I denne artikel, der er baseret på resultater fra aktionsforskningsprojektet Andetsprogsdimensionen i naturfagsundervisningen, diskuteres de sproglige udfordringer der er forbundet med læsningen af naturfaglige tekster generelt og mere specifikt i relation til elever med dansk som andetsprog. Endvidere fremlægges erfaringer fra projektets afsøgning af pædagogiske muligheder og problemstillinger i forhold til at integrere en sproglig dimension i undervisningen med særligt fokus på faglig læsning i det flersprogede klasserum

    ‘I'm rewriting the law’:When children bring literacy into nursery school

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    Based on an analysis of three literacy events in nursery schools, this article focuses on how literacy forms part of children's social practices and co-creates the language environment in the nursery and how place, affect and materiality play a key role in children's multimodal and embodied meaning-making around literacy. The analysis is based on ethnographic fieldwork in two nursery schools, in which we followed different children through their days in order to explore how they used language in different contexts, what characterised their language practices and what appeared to encourage and constrain their desire to express themselves. It shows how the written word means much more to children than knowledge about the structure of books and identification of letters and how children draw on their own experience and include the place and the available materials in their joint meaning-making processes. Against this background, we argue for the need for a reconceptualisation of what literacy is and can be in a nursery school context and for a discussion of the implications of this for teaching literacy.Based on an analysis of three literacy events in nursery schools, this article focuses on how literacy forms part of children's social practices and co-creates the language environment in the nursery and how place, affect and materiality play a key role in children's multimodal and embodied meaning-making around literacy. The analysis is based on ethnographic fieldwork in two nursery schools, in which we followed different children through their days in order to explore how they used language in different contexts, what characterised their language practices and what appeared to encourage and constrain their desire to express themselves. It shows how the written word means much more to children than knowledge about the structure of books and identification of letters and how children draw on their own experience and include the place and the available materials in their joint meaning-making processes. Against this background, we argue for the need for a reconceptualisation of what literacy is and can be in a nursery school context and for a discussion of the implications of this for teaching literac

    Migrants and Literacy Crises

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    International comparisons of levels of literacy have in some countries been interpreted as an indication of a prevailing literacy crisis that demands political actions to avoid negative impact on national competitiveness, democracy, and coherence. Special attention is focused in the Danish crisis discourse on literacy as a reading competence and on migrants who, in particular, have become symbols of the crisis. In this article, the values and beliefs embedded in the political actions taken in the wake of the literacy crisis are analysed and the implications of the functionally based discursive construction of the literacy crisis for migrants are discussed. Based on an understanding of literacies as historically situated practices and value systems it is argued that the construction of the Danish literacy crisis can be seen as an ideological phenomenon aimed at changing pedagogical and educational values and practices. In addition, the specific construction of the literacy crisis leads to an increased pressure on migrants to adjust and adapt to a monolingual standard of literacy, and to certain valued literacy practices.peerReviewe